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About Us

Help Is Our Main Goal

PISOB is a Non-Profit Organization that has core value to support mankind through its charitable initiatives. We proudly proclaim that we have no political agenda and political motive with specific views but we stand for the people if their rights got violated. We are volunteer based charitable organization that believes in people’s welfare where no decimation among the people for their class, tribe, origin, area, religion and gender etc.

We are registered organization from the Government of Bangladesh under the Society Act (XXI of 1860). Our registration number is S-13089/2019. We are working for ethnic community especially who lived in the remote village and hill tracks to develop their lifestyle and reduce their poverty so that we can be proud partner of the nation building initiatives taken by the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh to full the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's).

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How Can You Help ?


Achieve goodness by donating to our General and Zakat Fund.

Qurbani Fund

Participate in the distribution of Qurbani meat with the PISOB Foundation


Sponsor our Rehabilitation, Madrasa and Students' sectors.


Become A Volunteer ?

Volunteerism is one of the most selfless acts that we are involved in. It is voice of people and a duty towards humanity. A conscious citizen knows his duty of volunteerism that should be performed for the sake of mankind thorough contribution to the society. Almighty Allah gives us two hands; one is for ourselves and another is for others. A volunteer is a leader so it’s necessary to devote ourselves into voluntary activities to grow our leadership skill.

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